Digitek Media Style Wallplate (Bullnose) – White

Digitek Media Style Wallplate (Bullnose) – White


Product Code: 05DWPM

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Additional information

Weight 0.2 kg
Dimensions 12 × 8 × 5 cm
SKU: 05DWPMBK Category: Tags: ,
More information about Digitek Media Style Wallplate (Bullnose) – White

Digitek Media Style Wallplate (Bullnose) – White


  • The Original Bullnose Wallplate
  • Media style wallplates allow you to pass through cables without the need to fit off inserts
  • The scoop (Bullnose) allows for the majority of cables in most installation to passthrough the one wallplate
  • Includes black bristle brushes.  Stops insects and dust from getting into the home
  • Available in White or Black (05DWPMBK)